Knight of Pentacles Tarot Meaning (Minor Arcana Card)
The Knight of Pentacles shows an armored man on a horse, holding a Pentacle, who is stationary, standing still. He is waiting for the right moment to take action. This is a thoughtful man, who is compassionate and easy-going. He may appear immature, but he is a responsible person. He has not yet developed the strengths of his character to win through.
This card represents a need to learn more, to be more creative and to see projects through until they are completed.
Knight of Pentacles General Meaning
Receiving the Knight of Pentacles lets you know that you can have what you want - security, abundance, wealth - because you are so unwavering in your efforts to achieve this. However, it also advises you to be aware that the journey is as important as the destination. If you are so narrowly focused on your end goal you may upset others along the way, particularly if you also tarnish others with the Knight of Pentacles perfectionist streak, so that they are judged against unrealistic expectations.
Upright Meaning: What this upright card means?
Knight of Pentacles in Upright position, this card has the following meanings:
- good ability with finances.
- a need to travel for work related purposes.
- trustworthy, responsible and helpful person.
- out of work, but with really good ideas and needing some help to put them into action.
Reversed Meaning: What this reverse card means?
Knight of Pentacles in Reversed position, this card has the following meanings:
- someone is trying to discredit you in your career or business.
- irresponsible and unable to complete projects.
- not thinking things through and lacking foresight and contingency planning.
- inability to focus on duties and careless or neglectful of responsibilities.
- financial problems and the need to spend less on business undertakings.
More Suit of Pentacles Tarot Cards
Ace of Pentacles -
Two of Pentacles -
Three of Pentacles -
Four of Pentacles -
Five of Pentacles -
Six of Pentacles -
Seven of Pentacles -
Eight of Pentacles -
Nine of Pentacles -
Ten of Pentacles -
Page of Pentacles -
Knight of Pentacles -
Queen of Pentacles -
King of Pentacles
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