Knight of Wands Tarot Meaning (Minor Arcana Card)
Knight of Wands shows a knight on a horse, in armor, ready for action. His horse is poised, at the ready, about to bound off on an adventure. The knight is in control of the horse.
This card represents travel (overseas) and movement of any type, due to a job and can be temporary or permanent. Moving into unknown areas.
Knight of Wands General Meaning
Picking the Knight of Wands asks you to take stock of the times you have behaved recklessly or irresponsibly, forgive yourself and try to understand the underlying causes. Are you using over-indulgence or excess in your life to cover up other issues? Be careful because demons aren't going away by being pushed into the shadows. Your advice here may be to live a more moderate life, accepting as much as possible that excess is usually an escape and not a solution to life's problems.
Upright Meaning: What this upright card means?
Knight of Wands in Upright position, this card has the following meanings:
- travel overseas or interstate.
- enthusiastic, inspired and wanting to charge ahead.
- easily bored and restless, needing stimulation.
- a person who is friendly, charming, intelligent and yet hasty and unreliable may come into your life.
Reversed Meaning: What this reverse card means?
Knight of Wands in Reversed position, this card has the following meanings:
- be careful about insincere people who may not be showing you who they really are.
- there may bemisunderstandings and conflict with friends and colleagues.
- delays and stalling of plans and journeys.
- possible separation of loved ones.
More Suit of Wands Tarot Cards
Ace of Wands -
Two of Wands -
Three of Wands -
Four of Wands -
Five of Wands -
Six of Wands -
Seven of Wands -
Eight of Wands -
Nine of Wands -
Ten of Wands -
Page of Wands -
Knight of Wands -
Queen of Wands -
King of Wands
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