Aquarius 2024 Yearly Horoscope (Free Yearly Horoscopes)
For the Year 2022
Aquarius, you're an inventor, an innovator, an influencer, and sometimes a bit of a weirdo (in the most complimentary way), but as a fixed sign you also want things the way you want them. And because the sun will be spending time in your sign, as always, from the end of January until the end of February, you get to celebrate all of the qualities that make you stand out from the rest of the crowd and reinforce that your way is perhaps the best way after all. And when you take that confident energy with you through 2022, you get to be the best you can be.
Rebellious Uranus, your home planet, is paired up with slow and steady Taurus this whole year, however, so you might run into some resistance while making the changes you're so fond of making. The slow and steady yet conservative energy of the Bull will definitely try to slow you down, but you're too progressive to let anything completely stop you. Will you perhaps slow down enough at times to consider options that you would normally pass up? Yes, but that doesn't mean you'll lose any of that infamous Aquarian edginess.
With unique Uranus retrograde from the end of August to the end of the year, a window opens for you to hop on some of those changes you've been hesitant about. By facing your fears and really looking at what's been happening so far this year, not only in your personal life but also on a global scale, a bigger picture starts to come into focus. What doesn't feel right? Address those parts of your life by putting changes in motion to make the adjustments necessary for a happier, more productive, and successful future.
Love & Romance
Love isn't always the main thing on your mind, Aquarius, but you enjoy experimenting with various romantic situations and looking at them from different perspectives, so you'll have a lot to look forward to when you read about all of the romantic possibilities in 2022!
As love goddess Venus is turned around and headed retrograde in ambitious Capricorn as the year begins, your mind will probably be on other things, quite frankly. Romance easily takes a back seat when you have a work crisis to deal with, Aquarius, and you might not even miss it that much.
New lovers are relatively easy for you to find during the new moon in your friendly sign at the start of February. Other rebellious singles catch your eye now, and you might find your perfect match at a protest or demonstration or while finding a way to do something totally unique or making the world better in some way.
Other air signs (Gemini, Libra, or a kindred Aquarius) have the flexibility you're attracted to, but as the fixed one of the group, you might have to adjust some of your selfish behavior if the attraction is to be mutual.
Career & Work
Aquarius, your unique outlook, ability to remain objective, and strong technical interests and skills will work to your advantage this year. Whether you're happy in your current job, looking for a raise or promotion, or want to switch fields entirely, 2022 offers you some chances of a lifetime.
Your home planet Uranus is still traveling with steady earth sign Taurus this year, which could slow down some of your efforts, but it shouldn't interfere with your innovative, experimental thought process.
Moving at a slower pace is inevitable, but that doesn't mean you'll lose your edge. You might not take as many risks as you would normally, but taking more time to think about opportunities that come along doesn't mean you'll miss out on them; it just might take a little longer to see results.
Authoritative Saturn spends time in your logical sign this whole year, so you'll be applying a lot of “pro and con” thinking to your career path. You're able to look at things that are extremely personal for most people from a very removed perspective, and looking at your career this way this year can be extremely beneficial. What advice would you give a friend if they were in your shoes, Aquarius? Follow your head instead of your heart down the right career path in 2022.
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