Knight of Cups Tarot Meaning (Minor Arcana Card)
The Knight of Cups is an idealist, a romantic dreamer. He is creative and artistic, but also intelligent and thoughtful, always searching for new opportunities and areas of advancement.
This is the card of the arrival of something new, whether it be new friends, new lover, new job or people we have lost touch with.
This card signifies that beneficial changes are coming soon.
Knight of Cups General Meaning
The Knight of Cups suggests you may be seeing current issues in an over-simplified way. The card advises you to see as much of the equation as you can, or at least recognize that there are things you don't yet know. Be honest with yourself about the ways in which you hide truths from yourself. Does knowledge ever try to creep into your consciousness but is held back by a side of you that doesn't want the mess or the fuss? Now is the time to gently allow that knowledge to sneak in. It may be more difficult to admit truths than to remain blissfully ignorant, but truth will always eventually find its place. It might as well be now.
Upright Meaning: What this upright card means?
Knight of Cups in Upright position, this card has the following meanings:
- romantic changes, or changes in your emotions.
- the start of new things, especially new romance.
- falling in love and an open heart.
- travel may be coming up.
- openness to new ideas and emotions.
Reversed Meaning: What this reverse card means?
Knight of Cups in Reversed position, this card has the following meanings:
- beware of over-indulging in any area.
- be careful and do not give anyone an opportunity to gossip about you or deceive you in any way.
- take care if starting a new relationships as the person may not be the right partner for you.
- imbalanced emotions and power struggles in a relationship.
More Suit of Cups Tarot Cards
Ace of Cups -
Two of Cups -
Three of Cups -
Four of Cups -
Five of Cups -
Six of Cups -
Seven of Cups -
Eight of Cups -
Nine of Cups -
Ten of Cups -
Page of Cups -
Knight of Cups -
Queen of Cups -
King of Cups
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