Two of Cups Tarot Meaning (Minor Arcana Card)
Two of Cups shows two people sharing their cups, so pledging their loyalty and commitment to each other.
This card represents a balanced relationship where the power is equally shared and everyone feels good.
This card can signify either a personal or a business relationship that is balanced.
This is the card of harmony and unity.
Two of Cups General Meaning
The Two of Cups asks you to recognize partnerships in your life and to celebrate them. Perhaps you are being asked to appreciate the assistance given to you by others and reciprocate their generosity and love. If you are experiencing a separation of some kind, the card is advising reconciliation as the path to peace. There is also a warning from this card not to shut out the world beyond you and this "significant other". Three is sometimes a crowd, but three can also be necessary for a sense of perspective.
Upright Meaning: What this upright card means?
Two of Cups in Upright position, this card has the following meanings:
- healing is possible after a time of discord and conflict.
- commitment, friendship, loyalty.
- any problems with other people should greatly ease.
- great news is on the way.
- excellent card if you are thinking of taking a partner - either in love or business.
Reversed Meaning: What this reverse card means?
Two of Cups in Reversed position, this card has the following meanings:
- delays, opposition and disharmony to any plans.
- imbalance in a relationship or even in yourself.
- arguments with others, although temporary will cause sadness.
- an impasse with a friend that needs one person to make the first move, without which, nothing will happen.
- guard against falling for people who are too charming, as they are not as they appear.
More Suit of Cups Tarot Cards
Ace of Cups -
Two of Cups -
Three of Cups -
Four of Cups -
Five of Cups -
Six of Cups -
Seven of Cups -
Eight of Cups -
Nine of Cups -
Ten of Cups -
Page of Cups -
Knight of Cups -
Queen of Cups -
King of Cups
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