Six of Cups Tarot Meaning (Minor Arcana Card)
The Six of Cups shows a young boy giving a cup with flowers to a little girl as a present.
This card represents the past, childhood and people from the past who are not longer part of your life. It shows that you may want to go back in time to those happier times.
This cards shows that the past is now behind you and the path forward is one which is filled with hope.
Six of Cups General Meaning
You may be finding yourself in an environment which is not good for you at the moment - possibly corrupt, unfriendly or aggressive. You yourself may be well-meaning, but unhealthy environments have a knack of creating ill health for all involved, including the innocent. This could be impacting on you now, so this card advises you to remember that your conscience shall remain clear so long as you do not fall into the trap of following the herd. Your good nature will thus be preserved.
Upright Meaning: What this upright card means?
Six of Cups in Upright position, this card has the following meanings:
- progress in all areas of your life, all projects and relationships.
- a friend from the past returns to your life.
- finding a use for skills or talents that have been hidden or not used in a very long time.
- happy memories from the past and the people of the past
- surrounded by loving family and friends.
Reversed Meaning: What this reverse card means?
Six of Cups in Reversed position, this card has the following meanings:
- let go of the unhappy memories of the past.
- keep an eye out for opportunities that come your way.
- guard against being overly suspicious.
- a time of renewal and moving forward, discarding the pain of the past.
More Suit of Cups Tarot Cards
Ace of Cups -
Two of Cups -
Three of Cups -
Four of Cups -
Five of Cups -
Six of Cups -
Seven of Cups -
Eight of Cups -
Nine of Cups -
Ten of Cups -
Page of Cups -
Knight of Cups -
Queen of Cups -
King of Cups
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