Three of Cups Tarot Meaning (Minor Arcana Card)
The Three of Cups shows three women raising their cups in the air and rejoicing. This card shows the celebration that is happening once hard work has been completed. It can also signify that all difficulties are about to end.
This is a card of healing on all levels, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual. If there is any illness, this card shows that it will be healed and good health will ensue.
This card has a feel of joy and festivity.
Three of Cups General Meaning
This card asks you to re-evaluate what is important to you and think carefully about what your priorities are. Have you felt a need to reach out and connect more with others? Perhaps you have been thinking about joining a group of some kind or engaging in a social activity. If so, go for it! This card is telling you to trust that feeling and celebrate companionship as an integral part of your life, whether or not it seems relevant.
Upright Meaning: What this upright card means?
Three of Cups in Upright position, this card has the following meanings:
- any illness or ill health will be completely healed.
- have faith that things will turn out well after all.
- celebrate and enjoy, the hard work or difficulty is over.
- attraction to someone that is the start of a wonderful relationship.
- happy social life, with invitations to weddings, parties and other social events.
- emotions are deep and true.
Reversed Meaning: What this reverse card means?
Three of Cups in Reversed position, this card has the following meanings:
- be careful of over-indulging in food, drink or other activities.
- delays in plans.
- a partnership will likely be ending soon.
- someone may target you with their unwanted attention.
- unlikely to find a soul-mate in any suitors at this time.
More Suit of Cups Tarot Cards
Ace of Cups -
Two of Cups -
Three of Cups -
Four of Cups -
Five of Cups -
Six of Cups -
Seven of Cups -
Eight of Cups -
Nine of Cups -
Ten of Cups -
Page of Cups -
Knight of Cups -
Queen of Cups -
King of Cups
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