Ten of Cups Tarot Meaning (Minor Arcana Card)
Ten of Cups shows a rainbow with the cups spread across it, with people rejoicing in the foreground.
This card is about home and family, love and happiness. It signifies peace and emotional harmony.
This card represents goals that have been attained and wishes have been fulfilled.
This is a wonderful card that signifies success.
Ten of Cups General Meaning
Ten overflowing cups indicate that you have an abundance of love to give and this card is asking you to give it. "It is better to give than to receive" sounds like a cliche, but like most cliches it speaks a truth. If we focus on getting rather than giving we make this a reality for us, and others around us respond in kind. If, however, we can give with no need of return our heart can find joy, wounds can be healed and an end to hostilities can be found. Taking a path of love and reconciliation can be difficult, but remember the outcome of taking this sort of action; an open heart and abundance of love is a great reward.
Upright Meaning: What this upright card means?
Ten of Cups in Upright position, this card has the following meanings:
- personal success is totally assured.
- dreams and wishes will come true - everything you wish for.
- a birth in the family is possible.
- feeling of security and permanence in a relationships.
Reversed Meaning: What this reverse card means?
Ten of Cups in Reversed position, this card has the following meanings:
- arguments and petty jealousy with friends.
- problems withing the family and with loved ones.
- feeling sad and lonely.
- separation, most likely temporary, but could be permanent such as divorce (depending on surrounding cards).
More Suit of Cups Tarot Cards
Ace of Cups -
Two of Cups -
Three of Cups -
Four of Cups -
Five of Cups -
Six of Cups -
Seven of Cups -
Eight of Cups -
Nine of Cups -
Ten of Cups -
Page of Cups -
Knight of Cups -
Queen of Cups -
King of Cups
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