The Empress Tarot Meaning (Major Arcana Card)
The Empress: This card shows Mother Earth sitting on a throne in the forest, with nature all around. There are many feminine symbols on the card.
This card represents all that is feminine, fertile, loving and beautiful. This card can mean that births, weddings, abundance and other beneficial changes are soon to be taking place.
The Empress General Meaning
If you want to bring peace to yourself and to those around you, you need to act as the Empress does, with compassion and understanding. If you find yourself in a situation where you feel frustrated by those around you just remember you don't need to change anyone. Just learn to love them and watch them change before your eyes. This love especially applies to yourself. Learn how to treat yourself with compassion and love and you too can be transformed.
Upright Meaning: What this upright card means?
The Empress in Upright position, this card has the following meanings:
- time of emotionally security high on list of priorities.
- productive time and projects are easily completed.
- reaping (and enjoying) the rewards of labor just completed.
- relaxed and comfortable environment.
- all basic needs are being met (and even more).
Reversed Meaning: What this reverse card means?
The Empress in Reversed position, this card has the following meanings:
- problems at home with loved ones.
- rewards of labor are not forthcoming.
- creative slump - new ideas are being blocked.
- try not to control situations because you cant let go.
Interesting Bits: What else?
- Key Meaning: Feminine accomplishments.
- Mythology: No Meaning.
- Astrology:Venus and especially Taurus: love, beauty, harmony, materialistic possessions.
- Numerology: 3, Jupiter: conscientious ambition; 9: balance of mind, body and spirit.
More Major Arcana Tarot Cards
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The High Priestess -
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The Hermit -
Wheel of Fortune -
Justice -
The Hanged Man -
Death -
Temperance -
The Devil -
The Tower -
The Star -
The Moon -
The Sun -
Judgement -
The World
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