Gemini Daily Horoscope For Today (Free Daily Horoscopes)

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Thursday - May 16, 2024


Be careful with your thoughts and words as the Leo quarter moon rises this morning, dearest Gemini, threatening to stir up your pessimistic side. Luckily, Jupiter steps in to help you reclaim optimism, though it may take some effort on your end to switch gears and see the light. You'll understand yourself better throughout the coming weeks once Mercury enters Taurus, though it may be necessary to spend more time alone. You'll crave solitude and the comforts of home later this afternoon when the moon migrates into Virgo and forms a supportive connection with Mercury, encouraging you to nurture yourself.


Mental Mercury, your planetary ruler, has decided to descend into the rocky caverns and caves of your solar twelfth house, Gemini. Wherever our cosmic messenger goes, you will see him dramatically affect your mindset, thoughts, and decisions. As he climbs up the rocky cracks and sends echoing calls from the depths, you'll notice that your intuition and dreams amplify in power. Use this energy in the weeks to come to listen to what your spirit and gut instincts are telling you in your personal life. If something's off, you'll begin to suspect it now. Just don't let fear or anxiety get the best of you.

Dating: It's hard for you to totally agree with anyone because you can always see both sides of every argument! Your good energy is sweet, but it's also making life a little more difficult than usual.


What is on your mind, Gemini? Typically, you are a chatty air sign who likes to talk for the sake of talking. But you might become more reflective and introverted as Mercury enters Taurus today. Your colleagues may even notice a change in your disposition since you might not be as talkative as usual. But do not worry. You can use Mercury in Taurus to quietly consider your work life, coworker dynamics, and financial opportunities. Take this time as an opportunity to reflect on what you want to do without letting everyone else butt into your thought process. 

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