Leo Daily Horoscope For Tomorrow (Free Daily Horoscopes)

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Friday - May 17, 2024


Move through the day from your center, dearest Leo, paying attention to your surroundings and how they impact your overall mood. As the moon continues its journey through perceptive Virgo, you'll feel more sensitive to the sights, sounds, and stimuli that find you. A need for adventure could find you later today when Luna forms an unbalanced connection with Mars, though rushing away from the present moment could cause you to disconnect. Meanwhile, Mercury and Mars build up to an intense square aspect, challenging your boundaries and relationship structures if you don't tread carefully and choose words wisely.


Cranky cosmic weather awaits you today and tomorrow, Leo. Mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet, is orbiting in your solar tenth house of success and will cross swords with a dramatic Pluto now standing across the sky from you in your solar seventh house of relationships. This ensures that you and a partner will not be seeing eye-to-eye today about how your career and public persona are aligning with them. Sharp words and disagreements may even emerge at this time. Don't throw bombs at your lover, or you could feel like you're living in the midst of a war zone.

Dating: Flirt away! It's the perfect time for a date. You're feeling socially oriented and good inside, and both those things will show off your best features in conversation.


How can you shape your career path to be what you want it to be, Leo? There is a heavy focus on your vocation and professional reputation thanks to the Taurus stellium. With several planets in Taurus, you may feel extra aware of what it means to be successful. It could come across as being well-known or perhaps achieving a major milestone. Regardless of what success means to you, you could use this cosmic energy to achieve whatever you want to be successful at. Use this time to cultivate the career path and status that you aspire to have. 

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