Scorpio Daily Horoscope For Tomorrow (Free Daily Horoscopes)

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Friday - May 17, 2024


Allow your beliefs to guide you as the moon continues its journey through Virgo, dearest Scorpio, putting you in tune with society as a whole. Though you can't change how others think or act, backing up your own ideologies will offer a sense of peace. These themes will seem especially true when it comes to political or humanitarian beliefs, so be sure to consider how you can make an impact. Just be mindful not to put too many expectations on yourself when Luna and Mars form an unbalanced exchange, or you could become physically and mentally overburdened.


You’ll be in the center of a storm today and tomorrow, Scorpio. With mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet, dancing within your solar seventh house of relationships, he will clash in a square with one of our great malefic planets. Things at home and with family may not be as aligned as you'd hoped because Pluto, your planetary ruler, is orbiting within your solar fourth house of domesticity. There could be a major disconnect around emotions, as well, especially in regard to family members, parents, or even extended relatives. Don't wage war just because you're feeling fired up.

Dating: Your brain is filled with a cacophony of voices, all yammering at once. Let them go at it. They're more interested in shouting at each other than keeping you from your business.


Reflect on your professional commitments and partnerships, Scorpio. You might be in a commitment-focused moon thanks to the Taurus stellium. It could be challenging to focus on anything else since several planets are in Taurus. As a result, it might be time to review who you are working with and what you are working on. Some of your commitments and partnerships might be just fine. You may also find that you have some interesting insights into other arrangements. Use this cosmic energy to mull things over to see what does and does not work for you. 

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