Aquarius Daily Horoscope For Tomorrow (Free Daily Horoscopes)

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Friday - May 17, 2024


Your eye for detail sharpens as the moon continues its journey through Virgo, dearest Aquarius, making it easier to pinpoint what or who must be removed from your life. A black-and-white energy follows this luminary placement, making it easier to identify that which lifts you up or drags you down. Don't make excuses for others when Luna and Mars form an unbalanced connection later today, and watch out for confusion or red flags within your closest companionships. Meanwhile, Mercury and Pluto build up to a harsh square, heightening emotions that could put an additional strain on tense situations.


Rocky news is on the mind and horizon today and tomorrow, Aquarius. As mental Mercury continues to dance through the sky, he will clash in a square with Pluto. Pluto is orbiting in your solar first house of identity—your zodiac sign—so you could feel tempted into power struggles, conflict, and a furious battle of ideas between you and a partner, especially if you’re not feeling supported and respected. This dramatic episode is likely going to be provoked by you—rather than them—so if you already notice that your blood is boiling, do your best to meditate or disengage.

Dating: Someone has been trying to reach you for a long time. Reach out and really connect with them. Let your guard down and you'll see you don't have anything to be afraid of.


Has your attention shifted, Aquarius? Work might be the last thing on your mind during this Taurus stellium. Since several planets are in Taurus, you might be more focused on your personal goals, home life, and family. As a result, you may have taken a step back at work to tend to your personal matters. Given the emphasis on your personal life, you may find it challenging to care about or focus on your career path. Keep in mind that these feelings are temporary, so you should experience a better work-life balance down the road. 

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