Four of Swords Tarot Meaning (Minor Arcana Card)
Four of Swords shows a knight at rest after coming back from a long battle. He is in a church, so he needs to recuperate after the ordeals he has gone through in battle, he needs spiritual retreat.
This card represents rest and recovery from either emotional or physical problems, including ill health or a broken heart.
This card indicates a need for meditation and reflection to recuperate.
Four of Swords General Meaning
The Four of Swords advises you to nurture your soul in order to maintain centredness and clarity about who you are and what is right for you in your life. But more importantly, nourishment of the soul is its own reward. You may find it difficult to quieten your mind and feelings in order to hear your soul, but it is worth continuing to try (by "letting go and letting God" as the saying goes). Be aware that if you cannot make space in your life to do this consciously your body may do it unconsciously for you in the form of illness.
Upright Meaning: What this upright card means?
Four of Swords in Upright position, this card has the following meanings:
- a need for retreat and recuperation.
- a time to be alone, which is very much needed.
- maybe a feeling of being abandoned by others.
- accepting all that life is throwing at you.
- a stay in some sort of health facility or even health resort/spa.
Reversed Meaning: What this reverse card means?
Four of Swords in Reversed position, this card has the following meanings:
- isolation that may be forced on you in some way.
- think things through very carefully before you take action.
- take theadvice that is offered by wise person.
- a period of incarceration or exile, so be careful with your dealings with the law.
More Suit of Swords Tarot Cards
Ace of Swords -
Two of Swords -
Three of Swords -
Four of Swords -
Five of Swords -
Six of Swords -
Seven of Swords -
Eight of Swords -
Nine of Swords -
Ten of Swords -
Page of Swords -
Knight of Swords -
Queen of Swords -
King of Swords
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