Nine of Swords Tarot Meaning (Minor Arcana Card)
Nine of Swords shows a woman who is crying in her bed, suffering a great deal emotionally and not able to sleep. This woman has had a horrible loss and is in great need of comfort and advice, to help her deal with her loss.
This card represents illness and loss of some type, but these are not permanent, as recovery will be quick and faith will soon be renewed.
Nine of Swords General Meaning
The Nine of Swords advises you to calm your worries and keep them within your control as much as possible. There usually isn't the need to put as much energy into our worrying as we do. Think about focusing your anxious energy into doing something about your worries instead of perpetuating downward spirals. You may be surprised at how little energy it takes to change your circumstances, and thus break the cycle. Remember that all the fretting and worrying in the world does not change our situation.
Upright Meaning: What this upright card means?
Nine of Swords in Upright position, this card has the following meanings:
- advised to be positive at all times, through all difficulties, otherwise despondency will ensue.
- being fearful is not advised, stay strong and look within for the strength you need.
- family problems and discord.
Reversed Meaning: What this reverse card means?
Nine of Swords in Reversed position, this card has the following meanings:
- surrounded by deception and falsely.
- a lot of stress and anxiety.
- try not to worry unnecessarily about difficulties and problems.
- there will be healing and health will improve.
More Suit of Swords Tarot Cards
Ace of Swords -
Two of Swords -
Three of Swords -
Four of Swords -
Five of Swords -
Six of Swords -
Seven of Swords -
Eight of Swords -
Nine of Swords -
Ten of Swords -
Page of Swords -
Knight of Swords -
Queen of Swords -
King of Swords
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