Page of Swords Tarot Meaning (Minor Arcana Card)
Page of Swords shows a young man, who is carrying his large sword in both hands. He is active, prepared and intelligent. He has insight and is discreet when he deals with people.
This card represents the need to have mental clarity and take heed of everything around you. Examine everything carefully before committing to anything, increase your perceptive abilities.
Page of Swords General Meaning
The Page often represents an apprenticeship of some kind. The card advises you to look for situations in your life which you don't really understand, in which you will need to admit you're not quite as wise as you thought you were. Look at these difficult situations as your learning opportunities and difficult people as your teachers. You will then be able to open up to new horizons in your life.
Upright Meaning: What this upright card means?
Page of Swords in Upright position, this card has the following meanings:
- unexpected assistance in financial matters and business dealings.
- quick witted, very smart and able to respond immediately in an intelligent way.
- courage is necessary to be the best you can be.
- look out for any opportunities and help that come your way and taken them.
Reversed Meaning: What this reverse card means?
Page of Swords in Reversed position, this card has the following meanings:
- unpredictable and unexpected events may be the best things that happen to you.
- truth and clarity in communication.
More Suit of Swords Tarot Cards
Ace of Swords -
Two of Swords -
Three of Swords -
Four of Swords -
Five of Swords -
Six of Swords -
Seven of Swords -
Eight of Swords -
Nine of Swords -
Ten of Swords -
Page of Swords -
Knight of Swords -
Queen of Swords -
King of Swords
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